The big question anyone has before j-pouch surgeries is "what will be my limitations be?" Signing up for the triathlon was all about testing my boundaries, seeing just how far my body will take me (and of course, just as importantly, it was about making headway towards a cure). It's been almost two months since I have started my training and I have made great strides from my humble beginnings as a bona fide couch potato. After four major abdominal surgeries and one pregnancy in the past two years, my body has needed a major overhaul. I can now say that I have graduated from beached whale (did I mention I did not even know HOW to do freestyle) to swimming 50+ laps and from wheezing after 2 minutes of running to comfortably completing three mile runs. Looks like this j-poucher just might finish this tri after all.
Though we're off to a fast and furious start, we have a long way to go with both training and fundraising. We've started Booster Tee-Shirt sales to put a little spice into our campaign, and are working on organizing a Happy Hour Event. Please consider buying one of our awesome tee-shirts or making a contribution directly to our campaign! Any donation, small or large, gets us closer to a cure.
To buy one of our lovely tee-shirts, visit:
To donate directly to our campaign, visit:
Thank you again for your support and generosity!!!

TeamChallenge after our first group training session!